Monday, May 30, 2011

Muslim law to swim in the swimming pool is a special Muslim

Question: Please discuss the issue of 'special pool muslimah' that have appeared either in Indonesia or in the countries of Europe. What about Muslim law to swim in the swimming pool is a special Muslim. Jazakallahu Khairan. (Abu 'Ayesha) 
Answer: Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, washshalaatu wassalaamu' ala Khairil rasulillaah anbiyaa'I mursaliin wal wa 'alaa' aalihii wa shahbihii ajma'iin. Amma ba'du: On the origin may be of a Muslimah swim in the pool during a special Muslim while maintaining the limits of shari'ah, such as the entire Muslim woman who swam in the pool was shut down their private parts so that the views did not fall on something that is forbidden. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: لا ينظر الرجل إلى عورة الرجل ولا المرأة إلى عورة المرأة "Let not a man to see male genitalia, and not a woman sees another woman's genitals" (Narrated by Muslim, from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudry radi 'anhu) He sallallaahu 'alaihiwasallam also said: احفظ عورتك إلا من زوجتك أو ما ملكت يمينك "Keep auratmu except from your wife or your servants" (Narrated by Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidzy, Ibn Majah, from Mu'awiyah bin Haidah radi 'anhu, and dihasankan Sheikh Al-Albany) This hadith indicates the prohibition of seeing others private parts other than those mentioned above, namely men see male genitals, and women see female genitalia.(See Fath Bary, Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqalany 1 / 386) Said Sheikh Abdul Mohsen Al-'Abbaad hafizhahullah: سباحة نساء مع نساء وهن متسترات بثيابهن ليس فيه بأس "Not why the women swim together with other women as long as they sealed with their clothes" (Sunan Abi Dawud Syarh, among the questions posed to him after Chapter Maa Jaa'a FII At-Ta'arry, Kitab al-Hammaam, then I ask this question back to him on Thursday December 6 1431 Shafar after Fajr prayers, and he responded with answers which convey the same) 
In addition, the pool should be safe from the sight of men, camera, and the semisalnya etc, when feared things that are not desirable, as is the case today, then certainly avoid further damage precedence over bringing mashlahat (good). (See Fataawa al-Lajnah Ad-Daa'imah 26/343). 
However, although permitted by the terms of the above, certainly no doubt that permanent residence in the home of a Muslim woman would be better and safer for him, and often release a woman to places like that certainly is not a good thing and will bring defamation . Ta'aalaa God says: وقرن في بيوتكن ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الأولى [الأحزاب / 33] "And you stay in your homes and you do not decorated like berhiasnya jaahiliyyah people first" (Surat al-Ahzab: 33) Said Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz rahimahullahu: الحقيقة يا إخواني خروج المرأة عما حد لها ورسم لها في الشرع يسبب لها ولغيرها البلاء والفساد, فالمرأة لو كانت تتعلم السباحة في منزلها فإن أحدا لا يمنعها, لكن أن تخرج من منزلها إلى أماكن تعليم السباحة وبالصفة المذكورة وبملابس لا تستر عورتها فإن ذلك أمر مخالف للشرع , والواجب على أولياء البنات أن يتقوا الله فيهن, وأن يحفظوا تلك الأمانة فالله سائلهم عنها "In essence, O my brothers-out of a woman from what has been outlined for them in religion will cause damage to himself and others. A woman when she learned to swim at his house then there is nothing forbidden, but when he left the house to places to swim practice with the above properties and with clothing that does not close his private parts so that such menyelisihi shari'ah, and obligation of a trustee is devoted to God in the affairs of their female children, and keep the mandate, it is God who will question them later "(Al-Majallah Buhuuts Al-Islaamiyyah 68/54 and 56) Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-'Utsaimin rahimahullahu also said: الحمد لله نصيحتي لإخواني ألا يمكنوا نساءهم من دخول نوادي السباحة والألعاب الرياضية لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم حث المرأة أن تبقى في بيتها فقال وهو يتحدث عن حضور النساء للمساجد وهي أماكن العبادة والعلم الشرعي: لا تمنعوا إماء الله مساجد الله وبيوتهن خير لهن وذلك تحقيقا لقوله تعالى: (وقرن في بيوتكن) ثم إن المرأة إذا اعتادت ذلك تعلقت به تعلقا كبيرا لقوة عاطفتها وحينئذ تنشغل به عن مهماتها الدينية والدنيوية ويكون حديث نفسها ولسانها في المجالس. ثم إن المرأة إذا قامت بمثل ذلك كان سببا في نزع الحياء منها وإذا نزع الحياء من المرأة فلا تسأل عن سوء عاقبتها إلا أن يمن الله عليها باستقامة تعيد إليها حياءها الذي جبلت عليه. وإني حين أختم جوابي هذا أكرر النصيحة لإخواني المؤمنين أن يمنعوا نساءهم من بنات أو أخوات أو زوجات أو غيرهن ممن لهم الولاية عليهن من دخول هذه النوادي, وأسأل الله تعالى أن يمن على الجميع بالتوفيق والحماية من مضلات الفتن إنه على كل شيء قدير والحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. "Thank God, my advice to my brethren, you do not allow you to follow these women clubs and sports pool, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' alaa 'aalihi wa sallam has encouraged women to remain in his house, he had said about women who come to the mosque is a place of worship and science syar'iy: "Do not forbid female servants of Allah from the mosques of Allah, and their houses were better for them", and this is a manifestation of God's word (which meaning): "And still you are in your homes", then a woman when they are accustomed to do so then his heart will always depend on him because of the strong feelings of a woman, when it is so then he will tersibukkan of his duties both task- tasks associated with religion or the world, and be a shadow case is pictured in his heart and become the talk of the perkumulan-associations. Similarly, if a woman do an activity like that then it will be because the loss of a sense of shame in him, if you've lost a sense of shame then do not ask a consequence, unless God gave the gift with a return istiqamah shame on him, the shame of this is the nature of a woman. And at the end of this answer I repeat my advice to my brothers and sisters who believe, in order to prohibit their women both children, brothers and sisters, wives or others who are still under their power to not follow clubs like this. And I plead with Allah, may Allah give the gift to us all by Taufiq and custody of all the slander that is misleading, indeed, He is Able to do everything. Praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and greetings of God upon our prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions "(Ad-Da'wah Majallah 1765/54 edition). 
Limit female genitalia in the presence of another woman Jumhur scholars said that women's genitals in front of another woman is between the navel and knees. (See Badai'ush Shanaa'i'5 / 124, Al-Fawaakih Ad-Dawaaniy 1 / 202, Raudhatuththaalibin 5 / 370, and Al-Mughny 9 / 505). Said Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-'Utsaimin: وذكر فقهاؤنا رحمهم الله أنه يجوز للمرأة أن تنظر من المرأة جميع بدنها إلا ما بين السرة والركبة "The jurists mention that perhaps we rahimahumullah for a woman to see another woman's entire body except the part between the navel and the knees" (Majmu 'Fataawaa wa Rasaa'il Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-'Utsaimiin 12/267) They mengqiyaskan female genitalia in front of a woman with male genitals in front of men, and which collects between the two is gender equality. Some other scholars say that the woman in front of the woman's private parts with his private parts in front of the mahram is all her body except the jewelry, which looks like the head, ears, neck, upper chest, wrists, ankles. They argue with the word of God ta'aalaa: ولا يبدين زينتهن إلا لبعولتهن أو آبائهن أو آباء بعولتهن أو أبنائهن أو أبناء بعولتهن أو إخوانهن أو بني إخوانهن أو بني أخواتهن أو نسائهن [النور / 31] "And let them not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons or their husbands sons, or their brothers, or sons of their brothers , or the sons of their sisters, or women of Islam ... "(Surat An-Nuur: 31) Said Sheikh Al-Albany rahimahullahu: فهذا النص القرآني صريح في أن المرأة لا يجوز لها أن تبدي أمام المسلمة أكثر من هذه المواضع "The Al-Quran texts clearly shows that women are not allowed to reveal other than the places the jewelry in front of another Muslim woman" (Ar-Radd al-Mufhim things: 75) But although jumhur scholars have argued that women's genitals in the presence of women is between the navel and the knee, it does not mean that a Muslim woman should just shut between the navel to the knees when in front of other women, but should be a Muslim while maintaining a sense of shame and honor by dressing in the presence of women such as when he was among mahramnya. Said Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-'Utsaimin rahimahullahu: عورة المرأة مع المرأة, كعورة الرجل مع الرجل أي ما بين السرة والركبة, ولكن هذا لا يعني أن النساء يلبسن أمام النساء ثيابا قصيرة لا تستر إلا ما بين السرة والركبة فإن هذا لا يقوله أحد من أهل العلم, ولكن معنى ذلك أن المرأة إذا كان عليهاثياب واسعة فضفاضة طويلة ثم حصل لها أن خرج شيء من ساقها أو من نحرها أو ما أشبه ذلك أمام الأخرى فإن هذا ليس فيه إثم "Aurat woman in front of women like male genitals in front of men, between the navel and the knee, but this does not mean that women wear short clothing that does not close except what is between the navel and knees, because such words are never said by experts of science, but its meaning is that if a woman wearing a wide, thick, long and then when the visible part her legs or her neck or the other, in front of another woman then this is without sin "(Majmu 'Fataawaa wa Rasaa'il Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-'Utsaimiin 12/267) Allaah 'nature.

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